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My Story, and your story, are Always Beginning.

A wise Italian professor on the streets of Rome had us stop and listen. The city was alive, and we were part of the life. Where we were in this moment was a new beginning. Every breath, every step. Sempre incipere; always begin. A lesson and a way of life I have carried with me for the last 7 years.


The power to begin is truly our superpower as teachers, creators, critical thinkers, learners, and everything in between. It's our strength, and it is somehow our best kept secret. Each day we bring new life in the way we teach, and relate to our students. We are apart of their stories as they are apart of ours. 


Students will never know what it is truly like to live in Renaissance Italy, or travel by sea with a crew battling mythical creatures, but they are trying to make sense of real feelings of love, loss, and loneliness as they navigate to find their passions in this world. In our classrooms, our goal is to make sure students feel loved and heard. In a way, every character in everything we read experiences this same desire expressed in one way or another. Teaching students how to recognize the ideas and emotions present in stories helps them to make connections and find relevance in their world, their lives, and the lives of others. Thus, Teach Engaging ELA was created and continues to grow everyday. 

Throughout my years of teaching I am fueled by the joy of creating authentic assessments that challenge students to use their passions to drive their questioning of ideas and topics. 


As an avid runner in my free time, I am empowered by opportunities to chase down dreams and the challenge of making them a reality. The photos reflect my passion for supporting learners in all stages of life grow in confidence of their abilities and work towards their dreams.

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